The companies of AEFYT contribute the main knowledge of the market and his vision of future in Tecnofrío´17

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Las empresas de AEFYT aportan el mayor conocimiento del mercado y su visión de futuro en Tecnofrío´17

AEFYT Representative of the industry of the cold in Spain, takes part in the second edition of the Congress Tecnofrío´17, that celebrates in Madrid the days 25 and 26 October, like member special collaborator and member of the committee organiser of the event. The Association has representation, likewise, in the scientific committees and technician.

In the development of TECNOFRIO, the companies associated to AEFYT have a very significant presence, contributing his experience and his vision of future to the industry of the cold. The thematic planned span all the appearances of the cold: refrigerantes, cold commercial, cold industrial and transport, energetic efficiency in the installations frigoríficas and processes of conservation of the foods, among other applications.
“Can say without fear to exaggerate that AEFYT aúna through his companies associated the main knowledge on the sector of the cold industrial and commercial of the country. This  know how gives us enormous advantages to the hour to be to the avant-garde of the technology of the cold and  to have an exact knowledge of the challenges that presents the market in each moment”, affirmed Roberto Solsona, president of AEFYT.
TECNOFRIO is turn A reference for the industry and has like objective be a place of meeting in which debate on models of business, new technological solutions and legislative frame. Subjects like the substitutive of refrigerations of tall PCA, the improvement of the performance and of the energetic efficiency, as well as the digital transformation of the industry, will be object of analysis and debate. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat